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What is NebulaPay?

NebulaPay is a secure conversational payment platform that helps you securely transfer money, pay bills and more via chat. It is powered by artificial intelligence and is multi-channel using your already familiar social media messaging apps e.g. Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc. No additional downloads. No learning curves, no long forms to fill. You can start by clicking on either Facebook Messenger or Skype

How Does It Work?

What Can NebulaPay Do For Me?

Is It Safe?

How Can I Download The NebulaPay?

Who Can Use NebulaPay?

How Can I Transfer Funds?

How Can I Pay My Bills With It?

How Can I Perform Airtime Top-up?

How Can I Purchase Tickets With It?

Does It Work With SMS?

What Banks Does NebulaPay Support?

What Else Can NebulaPay Do?

NebulaPay Referral Program

NebulaPay Referral Program enables you earn and pay your bills simply by referring people to NebulaPay.

Here's how it works;
Get your NebulaPay Referral Code by simply asking the Nebula bot for it. You could say "What is my referrer code?" Alternatively you could click the "My Referrer Code" button on your default chat menu. Once you have your Referrer code, you can share it with your friends and family. Have them register on NebulaPay using the code.

Anyone who signs up on NebulaPay with your code becomes your child on our Referral Network. And anyone who signs up with the Referrer Code of any of your Network children becomes your grandchild within the Network. You can even have great-grand children!

At the moment, our Referral Network is 3 Level deep (Children, Grand Children & Great-Grand Children) and there is no limit to the number of Referral offsprings you can have. The wider your network, the more you earn.

Our Referral Commissions are funnel-shaped; meaning your percentage commission increases from your great-grand children to grand children and to your children on the network. All earnings are accrued on your NebulaPay Wallet and you can pay your bills, recharge airtime, or send money directly from your Wallet.

Paying bills should be that easy. Now go tell your loved ones about NebulaPay and start earning!